Monday, January 20, 2014

International Meeting for Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH) 2014: Getting Ready!

IMSH 2014 is just around the corner! The team at the Health Sciences Simulation Center, Samuel Merritt University (Oakland, CA) is gearing up for a lot of activity. Aside from many of our staff presenting research posters or participating in expert panels, we are hosting an immersive, pre-conference course at the HSSC.

I am really looking forward to making connections with educators from around the world. I have a particular interest in talking to people who use debriefing in simulation-based learning (SBL). I am curious about how debriefing is approached, if a specific framework or model is used, and how the cultural dimensions of the learners and learning environment is considered. I am most interested in how debriefing approaches may vary according to culture, particularly in non-Western cultures. I am seeking contacts with SBL educators in East Asia and the Pacific Islands in order to better understand current practices.

Look for me at IMSH 2014!

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